Become a Member.
Join like-minded people in an effort to restore and beautify the historic treasure that is Asbury Grove.
Honor friends and ancestors who have left the Grove in the care of us, the current generation.
Share your skills, knowledge, talents, and memories of the Grove.
Your membership dollars support our efforts to share the important history of the Asbury Grove Camp Meeting by preserving buildings and archives, and creating educational programs.
Individual Level
Contributing Level
Sustaining Level

Contact Us
Asbury Grove Historical Society
P.O. Box 2076, South Hamilton, MA 01982

The AGHS often has preservation or education projects underway that require special funding, or projects that require matching gifts in order to qualify for an outside financial grant. Please consider a donation in addition to your annual membership dues! Or simply make a one-time contribution to the Society. We appreciate all support.
The AGHS is grateful for the efforts of volunteers on all our projects, great and small, whether ongoing or on a project basis. Thank you! There are always opportunities to apply your skills, talents, or just a helping hand. Team up with friends or meet new ones as you contribute to the Grove's historical stewardship.