Essex Heritage Partnership Grant
In February 2016 the Historical Society applied to the Essex National Heritage Commission to receive a matching grant of $2,000 to help fund a new roof and repair/replace the gingerbread for the "History Cottage". This 1880 cottage is the Society's education and exhibit center for sharing Asbury Grove's remarkable history, and is open to the public during the summer season. Funding was awarded in April 2016, with the following press release from Essex Heritage:
Asbury Grove Historical Society
Through its restoration and interpretation of the “History Cottage,” the Asbury Grove Historical Society seeks to educate the public about daily life in a camp meeting community, circa 1900. Operating continuously since 1859, the Victorian-era cottage community in South Hamilton has a prominent role in the camp meeting movement. Over the past three summers society members have worked to stabilize and restore one of Asbury Grove’s 120 original buildings, a Carpenter Gothic-style summer cottage built in 1880. During the upcoming building season volunteers will use Essex Heritage funding to install a new, period appropriate roof and restore the cottage’s elaborate gingerbread ornamentation.